Windy but not wet and wet but not windy.

16/03/2022 13:02

Yesterday was windy but not wet. I ventured into Edinburgh to do evangelism in the heart of the city, Princess St. Gardens. God gave me three really good divine appointments. The best was with Enna who is from Switzerland. She asked some insightful questions regarding God's truth. The Lord blessed our conversation and we spoke for at least 20 minutes. I offered to help her find a church in Switzerland if she was interested. She said, "My friend is a baptist." She didn't know what to call it, but as it turned out she was at her friend's baptism which took place in a river. Please pray for God to bring this young lady to faith.

The second divine appointment was with a young man and woman (both 21 years old) from Ipswitch England. Katie and I took a group of teens from Michigan on a mission trip to Ipswitch back in 2004. I had a good heart to heart with these young people and the young man thanked me.

The third opportunity was with a young man (27) named Iian. His mum passed away last year. He moved down to Edinburgh to get away from his home area in the Highlands. He's now sleeping rough and pan handling. I invited him to church on Sunday and over for lunch afterwards. I hope he takes me up on it.

Today was wet but not windy. Don Dillman and I got a bit damp as we put out flyers in a steady light rain for close to two hours. We were able to get a large area completed. Penicuik is a large village. I have previously left this village untouched as there is a good Baptist church in the village. However, after speaking with the pastor there, he welcomed us to reach out into the community.