We had a good morning....
Our attendance was down a bit this morning due to illnesses and car problems. However, we had a wonderful morning with those who were able to be there. There is a very good spirit in our church just now and we are very thankful. It's fun when everyone stays after the service just to visit with one another.
I preached this morning a message entitled, "Come After Me" from Mark 8:26-38. Jesus said, "Whosoever will come after me...." Not everyone wants to follow Jesus to the places He calls them. He called them to suffering, surrender, sacrifice, salvation and shamelessness. Many within modern evangelicalism and sadly even within fundamentalism have turned aside from following Him. God help us to be those who follow Him to where He has called us.
Please pray for the Tabernacle Baptist Church mission team arriving here from Virginia Beach on Wednesday. Pastor and Mrs. Baker, a sponsor and 7 teen girls are coming on this senior/mission trip. The Baker's daughter, a missionary with BWM will also be coming up from England to be with us. Next week the team will head down to her location in Peterburgh. The main ministry of this team will be to participate with us in our football tournament this Saturday. Please pray for us to be able to get information into the hands of young people who will come. I'm going to preach a message on John 1:1-12 on Saturday and would appreciate your prayers for God to open hearts. We're excited about what God is doing and will do in the days ahead. Thank you for your prayers.