We are back....
Thank you for praying for men's camp. I'll try to do a more comprehensive update tomorrow. But, God was very good and we had a great time physically and spiritually. Today is our busy Sunday as we have our afternoon service at the Trust. God gave us good attendance and good attention to His Word today. I preached a message this morning that is going to be part of a series teaching against false teachers. So, this was part one of Earnestly Contend for the Faith from the book of Jude.
George Clayson, a young man who attended our ministry while in a nearby Bible college, is working now for Faith Mission. He is going to be preaching this evening. Please pray for God's enablement for Him and that our hearts will be tender to obey God.
Tuesday - Thursday is our Family Conference with David O'Gorman. God has blessed us with the opportunity to have him come. We are praying for revival. Please pray with us that God will do His incredible work in our hearts, in our families and in our church and community. Thanks for your prayers.