Waiting.... :)

05/04/2022 20:08

We put a bid in on Monday for the church property in Penicuik. Now, we are waiting to see if they accept our offer or someone else's offer. They had a closing date when all offers had to be submitted. The deadline was yesterday at noon. Because the offers need to go before committees we were told that it would take longer. We don't know what the outcome will be, but are confident that God has led us thus far. We'll see what the future holds.

Meanwhile, God gave some great divine appointments yesterday. I had the opportunity to speak with a man for nearly an hour. I also spoke with a young woman for about 20 minutes. Both thanked me for the conversation. It's been interesting lately. That makes three people since Saturday who sincerely expressed appreciation for a conversation about God. I saw God's hand clearly in all three of these opportunities. Please pray for fruit that will remain.

The weather is pretty unsettled which affected outreach today. I hope to get out tomorrow with Pastor Dillman in his area if the weather allows. Thank you for prayiing. These are exciting days regardless of the outcome of our bid. We are confident that God has a perfect plan for our church location.