Visits and visitor
Our unexpected guest from a couple weeks ago was back with us this morning. It was a great blessing to see him. We also had a young girl pray to accept Jesus as her Saviour this morning. This little girl has been incredibly faithful to church over the last couple months. Please pray for God to bless her in her new walk with Him.
I preached this morning on II Chronicles 14:11, "Nothing But God." It is a great verse on God dependence. I recently wrote an article for a Revival Focus blog post on this verse. I preached through the points of that article this morning.
Yesterday morning the Lord gave Logan and I some great door to door ministry. Please pray for a young Hindu couple who indicated that they will visit our church. Please also pray for a young mother who seems interested in spiritual things. Thanks for praying for these opportunities to share Jesus.
Thank you for praying with our church ministry. We appreciate your prayers for our family and our church.