Visitors :), thanks for praying....
God gave us a visiting familiy this morning. They are a Christian family who received a flyer from a housing scheme that is very close to our church location. Praise the Lord! It is not very often that putting a flyer through someone's mailslot results in feet in the door on Sunday. Please pray for God's leading for this young family as they pray about where God wants them to attend church.
God gave us a good morning with faithful attendance on the part of our people. I enjoyed preaching a message on being a good soldier for Jesus, "Like Gideon and Phurah" from Judges 7. It is an inspiring story reminding us of God's ability to defeat his enemy DESPITE US and with us.
We very much appreciate your prayers for our evanglism and our church growth. God gave us a two very good witnessing opportunities as we knocked on doors. One man we spoke with for nearly half an hour. He is an atheist. Please pray for God's Spirit to open his eyes.