Upon the first day of the week....

23/04/2023 14:50

Praise the Lord for another Sunday. It was good to be in the House of the Lord this morning and the Lord gave us good services. Our discipleship lesson in SS was on evangelism. It was a good reminder of our responsability to tell (witness) to others. I preached this morning on, "How to be at peace when the world is seemingly winning." David, in Psalm 37, by divine inspiration gave several commands to help us to succeed when Satan wants us to be deceived regarding this battle.

It was a special blessing this morning to have a return adult visitor and 4 visitors from the States. Blake Huffman, a college student who attended our church 2 years ago, kindly sent his parents and couple friends to visit us. We've enjoyed being with his parents before and it was a joy to catch up with them and show them God's answer to prayer for a church property.

Please continue to pray for God to build his church. We have had several inquiries about visiting but 3 of these have yet to come along. Thanks for praying.

Works update from the week: As you'll see below we were busy and God blessed our labours.

Activity Centre - Sanded and primed yesterday. Now using filler to patch any remaining blemishes. Afterwards we will put up lining paper and then paint.

Fellowship Hall -The lower have of the buffet is now painted.


    - wall finished, 

    - shed finished, 

    - skip (dumster) filled with rubble, 

    - picnic tables and play park stained.

    - 2 stumps cut down.