
09/06/2021 15:54

God blessed our day of prayer yesterday. I twas a blessing to be with 3 other men on our knees seeking God's face. Thank you for praying for God's blessing upon that time.

On Monday night God gave us some encouragement on the Journey Channel on Youtube. A woman who received a flyer posted the following as a comment after quoting the sinners prayer from the flyer, "Thank you for your flyer today. I appreciated reading the message you have written, God bless you." I messaged her back, but have not yet had a response.

Today I was over to the Dillmans to do flyers with Don in their area. We put out a few hundred flyers, but didn't have any conversations this morning. It was some of the best weather we have had for doing this work and it was enjoyable to be out.

We continue to wait to hear back regarding the bank property. Our solicitor was going to contact the seller's agent today, but we've not received any communication regarding that chaser email. Please continue to pray with us for God's will to be done regarding this property.