They are here.... :)
The team arrived with no other difficulty than an aborted landing and a safe return to the skies after touching down. They are adjusting to the time zone pretty well and helped put out some flyers today. There were two divine appointments this morning. One older man has kept all of our flyers and still reads them on occasion. He also had the John and Romans. I had witnessed to him three years ago and he remembered the conversation. It was encouraging to hear that the Lord is working there although this man doesn't seem to be aware of it.
This afternoon we went into Edinburgh and handed out flyers. I had a great opportunity to witness to David. Please pray for God to awaken this young man's heart. He had a tragic accident steal his faith in God. I shared news of the recent tragedy (bus accident) with him and told him of the faith of the parents. His heart was tender and he thanked me for our conversation. We spoke for about 20 minutes.
Thanks for praying for our upcoming HBT ministry. We are anticipating a great week.