The sermon on the mount continued....
We are making progress in our study of the sermon on the mount. I preached this morning a message entitled, "It Hath Been Said," from Matthew 5:27-32. Interestingly every time man thought they knew the law, Jesus said, "But I say unto you." We dealt with the subjects of adultery, divorce, integrity and vengeance. God gave us a good service.
One of our biggest prayer requests right now is grace for Mac. He is an energetic/vocal one year old. All of you mothers can imagine trying to teach with a one year old. In most church situations you would have a nursery for a toddler. We don't have that capability yet. Please keep praying. God is able to help one year olds and He can give grace to minister with a one year old. He can also brings us those who are able to minister as nursery workers or Sunday school teachers. We need all of the above. :)
I enjoyed teaching my class with the older teens and adults. We are studying I Corinthians and have made it to chapter 13. Our topic this morning was charity.