The fog has lifted...finallly!
After 3.5 days of fog, it has lifted. That is not to say that the sun is shining, this is Scotland after all. :) The weather this week was somewhat prohibitive of outward activities. However, Wednesday was beautiful and Pastor Dillman and I were able to do some evangelism in his area. God gave me a good witnessing opportunity with a young man named, Liam. Please pray for Him to seek after the truth. He seemed open.
Tuesday was a day of prayer in Blair Atholl. It was great to spend the day with some fellow ministers praying together in the morning and into the afternoon.
Yesterday, we enjoyed knocking on doors. It was good to get out and God gave several good opportunities to speak with people.
Wednesday night was a blessing as we studied the second part of the story of moving the ark into Jerusalem. David learned the lesson about God's holiness and adjusted accordingly. It was a profitable time in God's Word.
Our attendance was down today as many people let us know they would be unable to make it. However, God still gave us a good morning and it was a joy to be together in God's house. My message was entitled, "You and I" from Philippians 1. I was preaching on how important we are (the church) to one another.
There are several good things going on in our church family. Thank you for praying for God's enablement for our church. We covet your prayers.