The busy season is definitely here!

07/06/2018 15:21

We have a lot of irons in the fire just now. We're gearing up for the football tournament. Eddy arrives tomorrow from Ireland to help run the tournament. He will also be sharing his testimony of how he got saved about 4 years ago. We've bought footballs for prizes for the winnng side. We bought bibs for the teams to where. (Not for catching their food while they eat but for identification as they are on the pitch.) We bought referree whistles and scorecards. So, we just need to order the pizzas and get a few more odds and ends - and we are ready to go! Please pray for teens to come and participate in the tournament.

Meanwhile, we are also getting ready for a parade next Friday. So, the gals have been putting together animal costumes for the kids. We've also just ordered t-shirts with our church name on the back for the adults. (We'll use these in all of our children's events - HBC, parade, gala day, etc.) I have also done two flyers. One is for the Holiday Bible Clubs with all of the details. The other I have called the Gospel of Noah. :) It compares the truth about the Ark of Salvation with our need for salvation through Jesus. We'll hand both of these out in the parade and at Gala Day.

God gave me an interesting divine appointment today. I run three times a week. For a while I was running a different route from my normal route and often passed the same man on his way to work. I would joke around with him about being on time and as I went on my way I would pray for someone to give him the Gospel. As I went to get the t-shirts printed, I asked a man for directions and THIS MAN reminded me that we had often passed one another. I was able to tell him that I have prayed for him and we briefly spoke about the Gospel. Please pray for God to awaken his heart.

We appreciate your prayers for these mininstry opportunities and for divine appointments.