Thanks for praying for the Ladies' Afternoon Tea
God blessed the ladies' afternoon tea yesterday. Thank you for your part in intercession. The attendance was good. The program went well. The food was good. (Or so I hear as I wasn't there....) So, we're thankful to the Lord for His evident blessing on the day.
God gave us some encouragement tonight as a couple of our missing neighborhood children were back in attendance. Please pray that the kids will all start coming again.
I preached this morning a message from Esther 4 entitled, "Why Don't You Fast?" Jesus said, "When ye fast...." not "if ye fast." We are living in a tough day but God has given us a weapon with which to fight. "This kind goeth not forth but by prayer and fasting." God spoke to my heart and I'm reminded that I have another area in my life that needs God's gracious development. Thanks for praying for our ministry.