Thank you for your prayers.

17/05/2024 22:49

Thank you for praying for my father's, Pastor Mark Shore's, funeral. My dad loved the Lord and that was well presented at the funeral. It was a special time with family and God was glorified. 

My mom is doing well. She was able to travel down for our daugher's wedding. I just put the following on our church facebook page - We welcome your attendance online for Kay Lee Shore and John Owenby's wedding on Saturday, 18 May. The live stream will begin around 1:30 PM EST and the wedding will officially begin at 2:00 PM. Here is a link to the livestream.

We appreciate your prayers as we give our daughter away. John traveled with us to my father's funeral We love him and are very excited to add him to our family. We also have been able to get to know his family and are very thankful that Kay Lee is going to have great inlaws.

These have been very full days and your intercession for our family has been a tremendous blessing. Thank you for helping hold the ropes for our family and also for our church family in Scotland