technological advancement
Well, we are getting ready to step out by faith into uncharted waters (by us) of technology. I've purchased a phone, tripod and accesories for either videoing our services or live streaming. I'd appreciate your prayers for this venture.
Some of you have asked us for video updates, which I have previously declined. I hesitate to say that I'm now able to do that lest I receive a volumous amount of requests. :) To help alleviate that concern, may I offer an immediate option to send you a link to a video I recorded this morning. It is addressed to Calvary Baptist in Huntsville who's timing for requesting a video update was spot on as I just got the equipment. If you are interested in viewing it or sharing it with your church, please let me know by email and I will forward you a link. There is a contact us page on our website.
God gave me a wonderful divine appointment as I concluded the video by speaking about God's goodness in giving divine appointments. I finished, folded up the tripod and then witnessed to a young mother with three little ones for about 15 minutes. It was a joy to speak with her about the Lord. Thank you for your prayers for us and our ministry.