
11/04/2021 20:20

We are still really enjoying being back together and now we are getting into a bit of routine. The kids are doing well obeying in their class and everyone is getting back to our old schedule. It's great!

We are preparing to charter the church. So, last SS we looked at the church constitution. Today I took us half way through the Baptist Distinctives. 

God put on my heart tonight to preach a message on, "The Tithe is the Lord's" from Malachi 3:6-11.  If you don't tithe, I'd encourage you to listen to this message. I'm very thankful that my parents taught me tithing as God has richly blessed it in my life. You can also see Benson leading the singing and hear a song I sang this evening, "Unworthy." If you have time to view something from our service, I trust it will be a blessing to you.

We are indebted to those who have put us over here and who uphold us in prayer. May God greatly encourage your hearts in Him.