Sunday and Monday

02/08/2021 13:48

God gave us a great Lord's day. We had a visiting family last night from down in the Borders. They drove about an hour to come to church. They are believers and it was fun to get to know them. In Sunday School we enjoyed watching a video about Eric Liddel (Torchlighters video). Another family that was on their way to church (visitors) sadly was in an accident. Praise God - God protected them. Lord willing we'll see them on another night.

Our attendance was good, thank you for praying. A couple of people still could not make it do to health issues. However, most of our people were present. Our HBC gained back a mum and child from different families. Praise the Lord! I preached on Jesus Fixes Lives from the story of the paralytic man in John 5:1-15.

Update on some prayer requests: Our visiting lady who was to be baptised has decided not to go forward. She's concerned that when winter comes she won't be able to make it to church. She was driving half an hour to come. Please pray that she'll continue to grow as a believer and find a church closer to her home.

Also, Tommy (who I spoke with a few weeks ago in front of the mall in Livingstone) did visit the Dillman's church and brought a woman with him. Please pray for wisdom for Pastor Dillman as they seek to disciple him. He's asking about baptism.

Today I went into Edinburgh and did street evangelism. Highlights - spoke with a man who said he believes in God but he is a homosexual. I had a great conversation with him although he doesn't believe in the God who gave us the Word of God. Please pray that God will awaken his heart. Similarly, I witnessed to an older woman who doesn't believe a loving God would send men to Hell. I emphasized to her what that loving God did to keep men from going to Hell. Please pray that she will agree with God. Another man, Mark, declined the flyer. I asked him a question and we entered into a conversation which lasted at least 10 minutes. In the end he took the flyer. Please pray that God will direct him. He's open....agnostic.

God's good. It's a joy and privilige to serve Him. Please pray for the power of God to break through in our church (revival) and evangelism (spiritual awakening).