Such were some of you....
Today, Benson, Kay Lee, Amber and myself went into Edinburgh to hand out Gospel flyers. God gave a few divine appointments. One was with a man named Andy who was sitting at the base of the monument to Sir Walter Scott in Princess St. Gardens. Andy was obviously homeless and has slept rough since he was 15. He is now 35. He's had an obviously rough life and vices to go with it.
After sharing the Gospel with Andy for close to half an hour and sharing my testimony of salvaiton, I asked him if he would like to get saved. He said, "God won't accept me because of this" as he pointed to his can of Budweiser. I said, "There must be a bin around here somewhere." He said, "I can't get rid of it. I need it." I said, "Andy, you need God. Would you really trade booze and get hell?" He looked at me and took a can that must have been close to full and poured it out on the grass." I said, "Would you like to ask Jesus to save you?" He said he would and prayed to accept Jesus. Please pray for Andy. Alcohol is a powerful vice but the power of the Gospel of Jesus is greater. The Bible says after a list of horrible vices, "Such were some of you." I had told Andy that God could change him and give him a new life. He's at rock bottom just now. Please pray that He will follow God and rise up to be the new man God intends him to be.
I asked him if I could take a selfie with him and put it online. He was happy as you can see for me to do so. Thanks for praying for Andy!