Special Visitors
We enjoyed seeing Adele and her mother back with us today. They moved to England several months ago and are up visiting for a couple of days. So, that was a special blessing. We had a good SS and morning service. I preached this morning on, "Love Not the World" from I John 2:15-17.
We also rejoice in the birth of a nephew this week. Some of you will remember that Katie's brother, Kirk, and his family are here in Scotland. Kirk is working on his doctorate in History at Dundee University. Baby Louis is the new arrival. He came on Friday and both mother, Carrie, and baby are doing well. Their other boy, Brodrick, got to spend some extra time with us this week as we helped watch him while they were at the hospital.
God's good. He is encouraging our hearts in Him. Thank you for praying for our ministry.