Secular and Sacred....

30/11/2017 09:13

In secular news today - the Shore family is getting a puppy on 16 December. :) Obviously there is a bit of excitement in our home. We've been talking about getting a dog for over a year as we sought to purchase a home. The kids didn't really believe we would until three days ago when I bought some puppy supplies. Then they said, "Oh, we really are getting a dog because dad is buying a dog toy!" (The dog toy is going to be my "earnest of our inheritance" illustration for preaching I think.)

The other even more important news (sacred) is that God gave me a great divine appointment this morning despite the freezing temperatures outside. Please pray for this man's eyes to be opened and for a future chance to continue our conversation. I'm very thankful that God gave me a witnessing opportunity. Thank you for praying for divine appointments!