Really cool divine appointment.

20/09/2022 21:03

The Lord gave me one of those really neat divine appointments today. I was up for a day of prayer in Blair Atholl and did some evangelism afterwards in the village. A couple was there on holiday (vacation) from a couple hours away. 

After I handed them the literature and said where I was from, the man said, "I had a relative in Edinburgh who became a famous protestant missionary. You may know him. His name was Eric Liddell." As it turned out, the man's grandma was first cousins with Eric Liddell. It was a joy to meet him and his wife and to speak to them about the Gospel. Please pray for God to do a great work in their lives.

What I love about that opportunity is the knowledge that God honours His servants by bringing their family into contact with his truth. They said that they often get to Edinburgh and that they might visit our church. I hope so.