Reading material....

02/02/2021 10:13

Please pray for us to redeem the time during lockdown. We've done several lockdown projects around the house. Most of those are finished. I've enjoyed doing some extra reading. I've recently read Andrew Murray's biography, "Andrew Murray and His Message." I'm currently reading the diary and journal of David Brainard. Wow, they both had an incredible dedication to the will of God and great thirst for God. They also both hazarded their lives for the cause of Christ.

Outreach has not been exciting except for the weather. Last week I put out literature on 3 days. Last Tuesday I could have worn ice skates. This morning it was snowing. Thankfully, the snow melted this past week and the walks are clear. (It is supposed to snow today and tomorrow, so it will remain to be seen if they stay clear.)

Obviously, winter weather and lockdown are not ideal for one on one opportunities to share the Gospel. However, please pray for God to give us divine appointments.

Katie is excited to be planning a 3 day Zoom Holiday Bible Club for the school break next week. (Although schools are currently closed due to lockdown, parents are expected to be schooling their children at home. Next week there is a scheduled school break.) Please pray God's work in the hearts of the children as they attend on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Please pray as well for our church family as they get involved in leading crafts and puppet ministry.