rainy day flyer distribution

25/05/2021 10:38

God provided waterproof shoes for me a couple weeks ago and they have come in handy this May. It's been a very wet May and it continues today. I enjoyed getting out into Loanhead this morning. I had a divine appointment with a family who is dear to our church. (They had moved house.) Please pray that God will keep working in their hearts. We have a good friendship.

We had some great news on Sunday night. The Loxley family's little girl, Abigail, trusted Christ. We knew she was close to salvation. Katie does an excellent job teaching our children and her parents do a great job teaching her as well. It was obvious to all of them that she would soon be saved. In fact her dad and I prayed specifically for her salvation in our men's Sunday afternoon prayer time. Praise God. The angels are singing again!

God is answering other prayer for our church. Our newly saved man, Lewis, got employment today. Another lady in our church, Glenda, also was given a job. We have been praying much about these requests and we rejoice in God's provision.

There is still no word (as of Tuesday at 10:43AM) about the bank building. Please pray until we get word back from the seller regarding our offer. God has given us many Scriptures to encourage our hearts in His leading. We appreciate your prayers very much.

Also, we praise the Lord for His abundant supply of funds for the purchase of the building and the remodel of it. (We will not fully know God's purpose regarding this property until He has allowed us to have our offer accepted and have closed on the property.) God has done great things for us whereof we are glad!