Pastor's Fellowship
It's been an interesting week. I enjoyed going up to a pastor's fellowship in Perth on Thursday. (Katie and the kids were unable to go due to a Dr.'s appointment.) We were challenged with two good messages. The first was on making our hearts a Bethel, the house of God. The second was on having victory over the flesh. Both preachers were a blessing.
It has been a week of helps. I've done things like help move a huge aquarium and a ton of coal. (Literally) Those were two separate things in case you are trying to picture a fish tank full of coal. Many homes here burn coal in the winter time. I helped Alec fill a coal bin. We also helped Katie's brother's family move some things out of their home as they get ready to eventually head back to the States. They are going to spend a bit of time with us before they return to the US.
Logan and I have just returned from door to door. The Lord gave us one really good 25 minute chat and a couple other short opportunities to talk with folks in our community. Thanks for praying for those open doors. Please pray that God will bless the seed that was sown.