
16/11/2021 12:00

God has given some good outreach opportunities this week. Yesterday and today I put out our new church location flyer. Yesterday I had several divine appointments. A couple months ago I shared a story of meeting up with some young men who evangelist Jonathan Washer and I witnessed to several years ago. I met one of those young men again yesterday. Please pray that God will break through in these men's lives. He is going to get together for a Bible study with  me later this week. We spoke for 20 minutes.

Today Tommy and I put out flyers and I had a great opportunity to witness to a man who had a lot of questions. He's an atheist. However, he stopped working on his Christmas lights and spoke for at least 20 minutes. He had a lot of questions that weren't easy questions. Please pray that God will penetrate his heart with His truth. I have no doubt that our conversation was of the Lord. Thank you for praying for these outreach opportunities.

This afternoon I am meeting with a Christian man from another good church. He's retired, but used to be a project manager in our area. He's going to look at the land of interest with me. I know that his insight will be very helpful as we continue to seek God's leading regarding this property.

We appreciate your prayers. Thank you for taking FBC and our family to the Lord.