Outreach update....
God has given us good weather for evangelism this week as the rain is away. On Monday I did some evangelism in the heart of Edinburgh around Princess St. God gave me two good witnessing opportunities as I handed out leaflets. The first was with three 15 year olds who listened while being a bit uncomfortable thinking about God, the Bible, Jesus, etc. They each thanked me as we finished speaking.
The second was with two muslim men from Sudan. Please pray that God will really convict their heart about the false idea that God can forgive with punishing sin. Praise God, Jesus paid the punishment for our sin SO THAT forgiveness is possible.
Yesterday I did evangelism by putting out flyers in Edinburgh a couple miles from our church. I saw the postman, Henry, again. I had prayed for him that morning and trust God will bring him to salvation. I had a divine appointment with two elderly women.
Today I was back in the same area and had one opportunity to speak with a man who was power washing his drive. He was cordial and though our conversation was brief, the truth that was share is able to open his heart. Please pray for a harvest for our labours. Thank you for your prayers.