Outreach update....
It was a blessing to have three of the adults in our church involved in church outreach this past week. We enjoyed knocking on doors on Saturday and had a good follow up visit with a man who we recently led to the Lord. Two adults joined us for door to door. Another man joined me on Monday as we put out flyers in our area. He's been memorizing a verse about being involved in God's work. It encouraged him to volunteer to go out with me.
Pastor Dillman and I were out in Livingston today. We didn't have any witnessing opportunities. However, about 250 flyers were put out and we are praying that they will find a warm reception in each home.
In other news, we are doing a kitchen remodel. My brother in law and uncle have just booked tickets to come over and help with the instalation of the new kitchen next month. We've been getting things ready for the installation. I'll include some pics below. Thanks for your prayers for our family and ministry.