Outreach and property search update

24/10/2022 11:42

God blessed us with a beautiful morning to put out flyers in a nearby village. We continue to put out the open letter. The Lord encouraged my heart this morning with Scripture from a message I preached on deputation (14 years ago). It's three things God said to Gideon before he pulled down his father's idols and before he went to battle with his 300 men against the Midianites. As God called him to an impossible task, God said, "Go in this thy might." "Have not I sent the." "I will be with thee." 

I can feel like Gideon at times as he had to have God's encouragement to overcome his doubts (fleece) and fears (going up at night/ going down to the camp of Midian to hear the dream). 

Please pray with us for the sword of the Lord to be as effective in Scotland as it was against the Midianites. We had a couple good conversations this morning that God can use to bear fruit. We put out 2-3 hundred flyers.

Tomorrow we are looking forward to having a youth activity. Please pray for God's blessing upon that.

We also want you to pray with us about a property of interest which we are viewing later this week. We hope to put an offer in soon after that. I will let you know if God helps us to secure it.

I was meditating on the verse below last night. We certainly hope that this is the end result of EVERYTHING we do.

Psa 21:13  Be thou exalted, LORD, in thine own strength: so will we sing and praise thy power.

Psalm 21:13  Be thou exalted, LORD, in thine own strengthso will we sing and praise thy power.