Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together...

04/03/2018 13:25

...despite the snow. The Lord gave us a good morning. The 20 year old young lady was back for SS and the morning service. This was a particular blessing as the majority of our church folks were unable to make it due to the snow. Two Sunday school children were also present and then two more adults joined us for the morning service. Katie was home with two of our children who are ill. (We would appreciate your prayers for their health expecially  Mac who has been ill since Tuesday.)

I preached this morning from Hebrews 7:24-26 on "Behold, the Man!" Praise God for "the man who is able to save them to the uttermost who come unto God by Him!" 

I'll put some pics below of the wintry scene arount the church location. Thanks for your prayers for our church services today! (The snow drift is from near our home.)