New Support
We want to welcome Victory Baptist Church in Lavonia, GA to our support team. They voted this past week to take us on. That was encouraging news!
The Lord gave us an encouraging Sunday as well. We visited a supporting church in the morning and a new church in the evening. God gave us blessed services in both locations and we enjoyed our time with both congregations. We were also able to catch up with one of our individual supporters. We are very thankful for God's grace for travel and ministry.
God gave me two divine appointments this weekend. On Friday I spoke with a man and a lady for over twenty minutes. They both expressed gratitude for our conversation. Yesterday morning I spoke with a man who is from the West Indies. He is Rastafarrian. I shared the story of the Ethiopean Eunuch with him. He told me that he has never understood how one man could die for our sins. He then had to leave to get his child to the bus. But he said he would read onlin what I gave him. Please pray for Daniel.
One other divine appointment was with a pastor's family at Disney. God put us together while in line for our first ride at Disney. God brought us past each other again at another theme park two days later. I don't know why God did it. But it reminds me of His hand at work in our lives. Thanks for your prayers.