New Flyer Going Out

11/05/2021 11:39

This morning Tommy and I starting putting the new Gospel flyer out in Loanhead. It was a beautiful morning to get out. We enjoyed good fellowship and some short opporunities to share the Gospel. We also caught up with several people whom I know in the community.

Interestingly, I found out that the miner's community centre (our church location for 10 years) will likely never be available to us again. The committee is considering making it into office space. That is just further confirmation of God's leading with regard to purchasing the bank property. Please continue to pray for God's provision, blessing and guidance. 

Last Saturday God gave a great opportunity to speak with a man who grew up in a muslim home. He said he would email me a few questions. Please pray that he will follow through. I'd love to see Him get saved. Thanks for your prayers for divine appointments.