Nelson vs Dad
Nelson went with me today as I took the van into the LPG (autogas) tech. Thank you for praying. The tech. who I have come to know quite well because of our poor running system, called the maker of our system to ask for a solution. He is going to try to fix it before we opt to replace it. Please continue to pray for a solution there.
Since we were already in Edinburgh, Nelson and I parked and went down to Princess St. to pass out church flyers. We walked from one side to the other. He was getting pretty good at getting people to take it. He's only five and he has a big smile. After eating at McDonalds we had a little competition on the way back. He won! He handed out 18 and I only handed out 11. People probably wondered about his celebration when they took a flyer from him. We were in a rush to get back to the car because our parking was up. So, we didn't hand them out the whole way back.
I had one really good chat with a lady who has worked in the management of the church of Scotland as an elder. Please pray that she will visit our church. She is born again.
I also had an encouraging phone call today. Some of you may remember the soldier I met at TK (TJ in the States) Max. He was standing by me when a rack of car rugs fell to the floor. I asked him then if he was a Christian at that time (He seemed like a Christian) and found out that he was. It was a divine appointment. He visited our church once before heading South for training. We then left for our furlough. Anyway, he called and is going to join us for our men's prayer time tonight. (Two other men in my church come to my home every Monday night and we pray for revival.) Please pray that God will bless our wee group tonight as we pray. Thank you for praying for our ministry.