It makes for an interesting subject title. And it made for an interesting message this morning. I preached my first ever message on murder this morning as I preached on "A Killer's Heart" from Matthew 5:21-26.
It is a beautiful day. God has given us a gorgeous end to the summer. It is almost good enough to make us forget that we really didn't get a summer this year. I will enjoy that as I travel to Livingston this afternoon to fill the pulpit for a friend of mine. We are having a 2:30 service there.
Thanks for your prayers for our ministry. We had 5 HBC kids with us on Thursday and two other ones back today. So, praise God, they are still coming. Please keep praying for them.
Just for fun: Scotland has some interesting caterpillars. Here is a moth caterpillar that has two sets of fake eyes. He is about 3 inches long and over a half an inch thick. We almost stepped on him as we were walking this week.