Mother's day, a week early.

23/03/2025 14:02

This morning felt a bit like Mother's day. We had 3 visiting mother's this morning. One was from Africa. One was from Italy. Another was Scottish, but visited with her family, who were visiting her from Canada. It was a blessing to have them there. (Next Sunday is Mother's day in the UK.)

We had good attendance, as the above indicates, and enjoyed a good time of worship and fellowship. I preached this morning from Exodus 17 on being, "Battle Ready." The story is of the first battle Israel faced after the Exodus from Egypt.  Please pray that as individuals, as families and as a church, we would take this message to our heart. God has a path to victory and Moses and Jushua established the way.

Tonight we are going to reminisce a bit as a church family and have a singspiration. Our family moved to Scotland 15 years ago, departing on 23 March and arriving on the 24th. God has done SO MUCH in the past 15 years and I trust His name will be lifted up this evening. Thank you for praying for our church. God IS working in answer to your prayers. (That truth is very consistent with what we studied this morning - Joshua battled physically - Moses with His rod uplifted battled as an intercessor.) Thank you for upholding us before God's throne.