Letter to my sponsor....
23/11/2013 19:22
(Some of you know that I get to email my sponsor everyday as part of my visa requirements. My sponsor is Tom Gritts, in Wolverhampton, England. I thought I'd just use that email today as my update.)
Dear Brother Tom,
If I could go back to the USA for just one day, I would chose today.
I always get “homesick” (not really but close) on the opening day of deer season! My dad and brother are out hunting today. I started praying for them yesterday as I was out walking and a deer jumped the fence ahead of me. I guess the Lord knows what I like.

We had a good day yesterday and today. Yesterday morning I prepared a message on, “Soul Prosperity” from III John. In the afternoon we enjoyed a beautiful walk by a reservoir in the Pentland Hills Regional Park. Afterwards we went to Krispy Kreme. As we sat there for a bit an employee asked us if we would like a tour. So, the boys and I put on hair nets and went back and made some donuts. That was fun.
This morning Benson and I had a good witnessing opportunity with ________________. He is 64 and wishes he had my faith. I told him that he could have it and tried to share with him how he could have it. We didn’t have any opportunities until then. I had told Benson that maybe the Lord was speeding us on to an appointment. We wouldn’t have gotten that far if we had chatted with more people. ___________________ would also have been gone as he had something scheduled just after 12.
We met Alec this afternoon to walk to a burned out mansion near us. It is an historic property.
Katie is out with Laura tonight on ladies’ visitation. So, I’m holding down the fort. Praying for your service tomorrow,