Joyful Sunday

20/03/2022 13:28

It has been a very encouraging Sunday. A young man whom we baptised a few years ago was back with us today. It was great to catch up with him.  Our visiting lady is over for lunch today. She was laughing because my office is "the studio" for "The Journey" videos. She's watched some of these and so she said it is like, "Wow - that is where they were recorded." :)

I enjoyed preaching a message on soul winning from Luke 10:1-2, "You and the Harvest." If you haven't recently been stirred up about evangelism and I encourage you to consider this text. God help us to earnestly pray the Lord of the Harvest and participate in His harvest field. (This sermon is currently uploading on sermon audio but is already uploaded on our facebook page.)

Thank you for praying for our ministry. God is giving us a wonderful day.