It was a cold and frosty morning....
...but, I'm not complaining because our home church in Hudson, WI. is set to be hit with the blizzard today. Today I enjoyed getting out with Don Dillman putting out flyers in Livingston and it was really a beautiful sunny day despite the frosty beginning. I had one short opportunity as I handed a leaflet to a young residential construction worker. Please pray for God to make him think about Him. Sadly, he currently accepts evolution without question. I told him, "Evolution can't even answer the most simple question about life - where does life come from?" However, I pointed out that the Bible answers that question in the first verse, "In the beginning God created...."
Please pray for Katie and the ladies of our church as we get ready to host the ladies' afternoon tea on Saturday. A couple ladies in our church will be sharing their testimonies and Katie will be speaking. Last night I had a great opportunity to invite an older lady in our community to the tea. She said she will come. Katie has been praying for women from our community to come. Please pray with her about that.
Katie's sister, Kelly, and two kids were supposed to arrive tomorrow and be with us for a couple of weeks. However, she had an appendectomy on Sunday. Please pray for her recovery and for God to help them rebook their flights if it be His will. Thanks for your prayers.