Into Edinburgh
The Lord gave us a beautiful weather day today. I went into Edinburgh this morning and did flyers for several hours. The Lord gave me several divine appointments. Please pray for an older man who has indicated that he will be in church this Sunday. I spent about 45 minutes showing him Scripture that salvation is by faith and not by works. Please pray that God will open his eyes.
I was heading out of a garden when I noticed a young man back another way. I felt like the Lord wanted me to speak to him and headed over there. He has just moved to Scotland from Ireland. Although he had grown up Catholic he is now an atheist. But, God gave us a great chat. I gave him a John and Romans. Please pray that he'll read it.
The other good opportunity was with two young atheists from Norway. We spoke for about 20 minutes and one young man in particular was very thoughtful. It was a good platform to encourage them to "seek God."
Thanks for praying for these opportunities. God has given other divine appointments already this week. Thanks for praying for God's guidance and power as we seek to build His church.