Into Edinburgh

20/02/2018 16:21

It was a lovely day today and a perfect day to get into Edinburgh. The Lord gave me three very good opportunities to share the Gospel and I handed out many leaflets. The first opportunity was at the Apple Store as I was waiting to get an iphone repair. The skateboarder accross from me was very open as we spoke about God and the Gospel for about 15 minutes. Just after we had finished and I had handed him a flyer and a Gospel of John and Romans it was my turn to be helped. God's timing was perfect.

The next opportunity was with Angus who grew up in the JW's. He has since left but has not found truth. I sat on a bench with him for about an hour and shared the Gospel with him. Please pray for God to open His heart. Despite the baggage of false teaching, he has a significant Bible knowledge. 

The final opportunity was with Angus. He is a middle aged Catholic from Northern England. He was very kind and thanked me for our conversation. Please pray that God will guard the Gospel seed that was sown in his heart.

I forgot to mention a neat divine appointment God gave me on Friday. Our family was in Edinburgh doing some shopping. As I went to pay for parking I passed a young lady sitting on a door stoop. I told the Lord that if she was there on the way back I would give her an invite to our church. I was on the phone doing parking while walking back and the Lord reminded me. So, I stopped just passed her, finished my parking payment and turned to invite her to church. As it turned out, she was at work. She lives in Loanhead about one block from our church location. Please pray that Shannon will see that as a significant sign that God does exist and that He cares for her. She is an atheist.

God also gave one very good opportunity while knocking on doors on Saturday. Please pray for Iian. I'd love to see him get saved and come to our church. God is able! Thanks for praying for divine appointments.

PS. A little girl who has attended our church for a couple of years told Katie, "Before I went in my flat this afternoon I asked Jesus to save my soul." (Praise the Lord! Thanks for praying for these little ones to get saved.)