In His Name
The Lord has encouraged us with some coming from our Holiday Bible Club. This past Thursday night we had an adult and two children with us whom we did not know before HBC. We also had 3 regular children back with us because of HBC. So, praise the Lord for fruit. This morning we had one adult and one child with us from HBC. Please pray especially for these two as they are now coming regularly to church.
I preached this morning on, "In His Name." As you read the book of Acts notice how many times it says, "In His Name" or something like that. That truth stood out to me in my Bible reading this past week.
This afternoon is the Trust service. I'm going to share the Romans Road. Tonight we have our Bible study and communion service. Afterwards our family is going to disappear into the Scottish countryside for a week as we enjoy camping.
Thank you for praying for our ministry. We need God's help in our ministry and thank Him for how He is answering your prayers.