I found my voice....
Thank you for praying about our colds. We are much better thank you. I wasn't able to preach on Thursday night. However, I was able to preach both services this morning. I enjoyed preaching a message in the AM service on Life Changing Faith from 1 Thes. 2:13. Praise God for the power of the Gospel! Regretably, man has robbed it of all it's power. That verse shows the key to unleashing the power of God's Word in a transformative way.
Thank you for your prayers for Kay Lee and Benson. They got back from Spain last night just before midnight. God blessed their time away and they will likely not stop speaking about this for quite a while. :) We are enjoying hearing all the stories from their time away. Tonight they are going to share a testimony in our evening service. Jack will also be sharing a testimony about how God worked on his trip to CA. He was unable to go to the Bible college. Thank you for praying for that possibility.