Hopefully, more frequent updates....

16/06/2024 13:31

Life is returning to normal. We have had extra duties as we get back into the swing of things. One of those extras was writing an announcement and Gospel tract for a mass mailing. God blessed us with time to get that sorted this week and we look forward to God's Word going out in our area. Please be praying for God to use the invitation and message on the back. It is entitled, "The Carpenter's Hand" and speaks of Jesus ministry of mending broken lives.

We have had good attendance at church although that did not seem to be the case when we started this morning. Thankfully, many were just running late. We had 28 in total last Sunday and anticipate a similar number today. Please pray for continued church growth and for believer's to really grow together in the Lord. There is a sweet Spirit in our church..

I enjoyed preaching on, "Fruitful Lives" from John 15 and the Lord's encouragement to His disciples about abiding in Him. If ALL believers truly were abiding in Christ our lives, our families and our ministries would be incredibly fruitful and God would be glorified by the "much fruit." Let's pray for one another!

We are looking forward to serving the young people in our community this coming Saturday as we have a booth at the Gala Day. Please pray for good weather and for God's grace for the day. Thank you for your prayers. we are often reminded that God's hand is evident in answer to your intercession.