home again, home again....

04/06/2024 17:13

Thank you for praying for our travels. We arrived back in Scotland late yesterday morning, Scottish time. It is great to be back home. We've seen a couple of our church family and love catching up with them.

The trip back was pretty uneventful as a whole. But, as I wrote our prayer letter at the airport in Newark, God did give me a great divine appointment. My table was surrounded by a large group of Jewish girls who were on a trip to NYC from Las Angelos. I was able to speak to them about Jesus CHRIST. (The Messiah.) Please pray for God to guard the seed that He placed in the soil of their hearts. One young lady in particular had a lengthy conversation with me.

Today has been a catch up day. Lord willing, I will be back doing evangelism tomorrow, weather permitting. Thank you for your prayers for our ministry.