He is Risen Indeed!
The Lord gave us a great Resurrection Sunday and adequate weather. He also helped people to come despite the weather. Several people were soaked pretty well getting to church this morning but they came anyway. I preached this morning on, "The Resurrection Message of Jesus" preached on the road to Emmaus. In that message Jesus preached Himself from the OT and that is what we did this morning. Before I preached the children recited the resurrection story and sang. Our daughter Kay Lee accompanied them on her violin. It's wonderful to see all of the children growing in their ability to serve the Lord.
Afterwards we had a luncheon. Katie worked very hard in preparing and organizing our meal and it was perfect. After that we had a special afternoon service where we focused on the Resurrection and followed that up with an Easter Egg Hunt. We thought that we were going to need to move the Easter egg hunt inside but God cleared the skies and it was even pretty dry outside and sunny. God's good. We're very thankful for what he did. All told we had just over 30 people come into our ministry today. We're very thankful for that attendance and share that because many of you are praying for God to build up our church. This is a special day and some came for our special events. We praise the Lord for the platform He gave us today to share His Word.
Oh....a 12 year old boy trusted Jesus as His Saviour today! Praise the Lord!