HBC flyers....
I started putting HBC flyers through our area today. Please pray for a young man that I met who indicated that he would visit our church. He asked a question that I think a lot of people have, "Can an unbeliever come and visit your church?" I wish I could make the answer to that more well known. We know as a church that we want them to come but it seems apparent that we need to communicate that to them.
Yesterday I filled out 188 pages of citizenship applications for our family. Mac and Nelson already have duel citizenship (USA and UK) but we are pursuing that for the rest of our family at this time. We've just become eligible having been here a year on our permanent residence visa. With permanent residence you can always reside in the UK as long as you are never absent for more than two years at one time. But, if our children (or ourselves) were ever away for more than two years they would lose their permanent residence. I can't imagine growing up in a country and not being able to live there. So, we want this for our kids. But, it also means that we will have put down roots in the country to which God has called us. We'd appreciate your prayers that these applications would go through without difficulty.