Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father's DayI The Lord gave us a good Father's day this morning. We enjoyed good attendance and good attention given to God's Word. Frazer didn't make it this morning but I know he intended to be here. We enjoyed having my mom's first cousin and his wife with us this morning. We were both rejoicing in the heritage God has given to our family. It was fun to catch up with them.
I preached this morning on Job 1:5, "Be a Godly Father." Job had a wonderful sanctifying influence on his family. He was aware of his responsability as the spiritual head of his home. God give us more men like Job!
As we head into this week, please pray for the children's fair on Saturday. We have a testimony of letting people know that we are praying for good weather. Please pray with us that God would both bless the weather and the spiritual impact of that day. Our HBC has born significant fruit for our ministry. We'll be handing out flyers and inviting children to attend. This year we have two separate weeks of HBC in different locations. We appreciate your prayers as we get ready and get the word out. Thanks for praying for our services today.