Happy 17th Birthday Kay Lee!!!!
Yikes - my wife isn't getting old, but I must be.... Wow - deep breath as our kids are growing up very quickly. We're very thankful to God for His grace to our family. Kay Lee was born in Port Huron, MI 5 days after Katie and I moved there from NYC. We are having fun reminiscing today.
I put out flyers this morning for a little while. God gave me three brief conversations. The first was with an older man who was hard of hearing. Sadly, he is a scoffer. I wish you could have seen his reaction to my telling him that despite his unbelief Jesus died for him. It was an incredulous haughty laugh. I didn't say it rudely and I'm not sure that he heard me as I said after he laughed, "You will know soon that He did." It's amazing that someone could be so close to eternity and mock the only One who would willingly save them from an eternity in Hell.
The second couple were older Church of Scotland members. They are trusting in their goodness. I preached on Sunday night, "An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbor" from Proverbs 11. The religious hypocrite (false teacher) is the best example of this truth as Jesus outlined in Matthew 23. "Ye hypocrites....Making them twofold more the child of hell than yourself" "not entering yourself and keeping them from entering." (My paraphrase.) Please pray for God to awaken this couple's heart to the truth I tried to share with them.
The third man loves John 3:16 but hasn't taken that truth to his heart. He also attends a church of Scotland (parish church) near his home. I encouraged him to read John 3 and see what it says about being born again.
Thank you for your prayers for our evangelism.