Good services....

20/06/2021 22:33

Our attendance on Zoom today was very good. Tonight, due to covid in children's (SCHOOL) classrooms, we have two kids in isolation with their families. Please pray for God to get us past these days of illness or isolation hurting our ability to get together. 

I enjoyed preaching to our Fathers and to everyone else on the bond slave. My message was, "Say It Plainly" - I love you, I serve you, I belong to you, I Identify with you.

We had a great time around the Word of God. Thank you for praying for God's blessings on our day. 

I don't know that I've mentioned very often my Zoom ministry with New Hope Residential in Ireland. It's a men's home and our church supports the man who runs it. (Layton Kelly) I've been doing this every Monday for the past few month as I share with them our Bible study going through the book of Proverbs. Please pray for God's grace and strength for these men to overcome and be used of the Lord.