Getting God's Word Out

26/06/2024 21:46

The Lord blessed our outreach and work at the church this week. Katie and Mac have continued our painting of the exterior of the property. Logan, Nelson, and Parker helped me put out flyers yesterday and today. Today, Pastor Dillman was also out doing outreach with us. 

We've gotten to around 2,000 homes in two days which is really good for the 2-3 hours each day. We are putting out our new Gospel flyer which announces our events and we're putting out the sports card size invited to Holiday Bible Club (VBS.)  In other evagnelistic news, I was able to do street preaching on Monday morning.

Our Bible study was a delight this evening. It's fun to see new believers growing in the Lord. Several are advancing in their walk with Him. Our study tonight was David motivating his soldiers to take the stronghold of Jerusalem. There is great motivation found in that text for us as well as we seek promotion from our King and seek to please Him.

On Friday we have a joint youth activity with Pastor Dillman's church. We'll also be putting out leaflets on Saturday morning. Please pray for good weather and God's grace for these extra activities. Thanks for praying with us.