Get Ready for God to Work

26/03/2023 13:48

God blessed us with a good morning despite time change being today. We sprang forward into British Summer Time and still had good attendance. Praise the Lord. It was especially fun to see the children outside playing on our playground after the morning service. The fellowship inside with the parents was refreshing as well.

I preached this morning on, "Get Ready for God to Work" from the story of Cornelious. A lot of things happened which prepared for His conversion and that of his friends and family. Many of those things which happened are under the control of man and not God. They were things that were done by obedient men which made it possible for God to do a great work. There was a good spirit in our services today and I praise God for our church family.

Thank you for praying for our family and ministry. We need it! And, God IS answering your prayers.